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Consider Becoming a Prayer Partner

So far this year, we have had, combined, 59 young people preparing to receive the sacraments of Reconciliation,
First Communion, and Confirmation, as well as two candidates who have entered the process of RCIA.

One way that we as a parish community can walk with them in this process, is through prayer.

Please consider signing up to be a prayer partner. Simply sign up at the information desk,

and you will be assigned the name of the person to whom you agree to pray for.

If you have questions or would like more information, please email Jodie.

We currently need 53 more people to assure each person has a prayer partner.

How Exactly Does This Ministry Work?

Praying for others offers us a two-fold blessing. It blesses not only the person we’ve
promised to pray for, but also ourselves as we come before God to intercede on their behalf.

Sign Up on the Prayer Partner chart at the Information Desk

Once all young people have registered, we will send you the name of a prayer partner.

If you wish to correspond with your prayer partner you may do so by leaving a card or
note with their name and we will see to it that it is sent out.

Place a post it note in your car, Bible, prayer space, bathroom mirror… as a reminder to
stop for a minute each day to bring this person, and also your own heart and prayers,
into the heart of God.
If you have questions or would like more information, please email Jodie.