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Catholic School Executive Board

The School Executive Board is responsible for supporting the Catholic identity, enrollment, marketing, human resources, capital improvements and fiscal management of the Catholic school.
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Marketing Committee

The marketing committee works to promote St. Bridget Parish School by planning, implementing and evaluating the recruitment, retention, marketing and public relations programs.  This committee reports to the Parish School Committee.

Home and School Association

The goal of St. Bridget Home & School Association is to strengthen the relationship and promote a sense of community, between home and school. It is responsible for maintaining open communication, and providing opportunities for parents to volunteer at school functions. It provides education on current parenting topics and sponsors social activities to support development of friendships between families. As a parent of a student at St. Bridget Parish School, you are a member of the Home and School Association. This committee reports to the Parish School Committee.

Fundraising Committee

The fundraising committee exists to raise funds to supplement the budget of St. Bridget School. It consists of the chairs for each fundraising event. This committee is responsible for working with the Pastor, Principal, Marketing Committee Chair and the Director of Advancement to help coordinate fundraisers and to assist in the allocation of the fundraising expenses. This committee reports to Parish School Committee and meets with the Parish Finance Council once a year.