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St. Bridget Parish School strives to provide an environment that challenges students to both academic excellence and Christian service and instills in our children the moral values that will help them shape the future world. We believe that engaging young people in meaningful service experiences teaches them valuable life lessons about contributing to others. Through a variety of service projects, St. Bridget students experience the joy that comes from giving to those in need and developing a lasting desire and responsibility to help others.
Students organize food drives and toy collections; raise money for and visit the children at Sharing and Caring Hands; visit local nursing homes; package food for Feed My Starving Children; Meals From The Heart; Diaper and Wipes Drive; Birthday Bag Donations to the food shelf and much, much more.
In addition, each year at Christmas time, the school picks an organization to support for various needs all around our world. In the past, we have sent money to the village of Efutu Mampon to provide school supplies and materials for sewing; donated to a medical clinic in northern Uganda, and purchased animals through Heifer International. Through these opportunities, the students and school community put their faith into action and our students learn to serve God with their heart, soul and hands.


Weekday Mass/Con