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Below is a list and description of each of St. Bridget's Liturgical Ministries.
To sign up for a ministry, click the "Liturgical Ministries Sign-Up" tab to the right.


Proclaim the Word of God at Mass. This ministry is open to all parishioners that are high school age or older. Training provided.


Video Ministry

Provide video support for those gathered in church and for live-streaming. Operate three remote cameras and PowerPoint for music and prayers so that the congregation can participate in the fullness of Mass. Training and mentorship is provided.

Video Ministry Schedule


Altar Server

Children (5th grade and older) assist at the altar during Sunday liturgies.  Training provided.


Eucharistic Minister

Assists at liturgies by distributing the Body and Blood of the Lord.  Training provided.  There are three teams that are scheduled and rotate for each Mass time. You must be a confirmed Catholic to be involved in this ministry.


Welcome and assist all parishioners and visitors joining us for Sunday mass. This ministry is open to those high school age or older. Training provided.



Be present before Mass to greet and welcome parishioners and guests.



Adult Altar Server

Parishioners in high school or older provide support to Father during a Funeral Mass.  A training and overview of this ministry is provided. 

Minister of Care* 

Visit and bring the Eucharist to the homebound, and/or in Care Centers. Being a listening, compassionate presence to individuals during times of transitions in their lives. Ministers of Care serve about 6-8 Sundays per year. This ministry is open to confirmed Catholics.


Liturgical Decorating

Help to make the church a warm and inviting place to worship. Help is most needed for Christmas decorating. 


If you have any questions about Liturgical Ministries, please contact Barrett.