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Every year, God calls together an amazing team of Faith Formation Leaders to lead our youth in Faith Formation classes. Join our amazing team!

If you enjoy getting to know youth, listening, discussing faith topics, and praying with others, it sounds like you have the gifts for being a group leader! Resources, training, and support are provided. The time commitment includes light setup and cleanup in addition to time with the youth. Some roles allow leaders to do their own lesson planning and preparation, while other roles allow leaders to simply be present. Contact Jessie to inquire about leading.

Here is what some of our leaders are saying:
"I became a faith formation leader when my kids entered the program more than two decades ago. But did I know enough? I discovered it wasn’t what I knew; it was how much I listened, shared and encouraged. As a bonus, my kids and I had conversations about God, faith and the Bible on the car ride home and at the dinner table. I’m still involved. Why? Because young people feed my soul! Because the Bible says to spread the Good Word." -Sue Fritz

"I started leading confirmation classes the year after I graduated high school because I missed having Wednesday nights at church. The young adults can be challenging to reach at times, but as a big "kid" I can relate to them better than I think. I've learned more in my time as a leader than I did as a high schooler going through the same program they are. They might be teaching me more about faith than I'm teaching them. They all ask very good questions, some I don't have the answers to yet. I would make the decision to become a leader without missing a beat." -Matt Nitz

Want to help in a different way?

Wednesday Meal Volunteer
Do you have a gift for hospitality? Consider joining our team of volunteers who serve dinner to Faith Formation families each week from 5:00-6:40 p.m. The meal is prepared by a chef of our parish, and then served and cleaned up by a team of volunteers who begin by praying together in the kitchen! Contact Jessie or Tessa to get involved.

Faith Formation Greeter/Information Desk Attendant
To provide a welcoming and easy to navigate Faith Formation experience for all, we are in need of a volunteer to greet and help direct students and families at the north entrance of church on Wednesdays from 5:15-6:30pm and from 6:30-7:45pm. Contact Jessie or Tessa if you can help for a month, for a season, or for the FF year!

Tech Volunteers
Are you good at connecting laptops to projectors, cueing up music, videos, and PowerPoint presentations, and troubleshooting? Your talent would be a blessing to our Faith Formation leaders and students on Wednesdays during Faith Formation! Contact Jessie if you’d like to help.

Youth Discipleship Committee
Would you enjoy brainstorming ideas, evaluating programs and curriculum, showing appreciation to Faith Formation leaders, and working with a team to ensure that the Faith Formation program of St. Bridget Parish awakens faith, makes disciples, and builds community?  If so, please contact Tessa or Jessie to join the Youth Discipleship Committee! All adults are welcome, and youth age 16+. We meet about 8 times per year, on Monday evenings, for an hour.  We would value your input!

Weekday Mass/Con