Adult Formation
No Greater Love

Enhance your Lenten Journey with the opportunity to walk Christ’s Biblical Passion using the book and video series No Greater Love, by Edward Sri. Even if you are not a reader, plan to join the small group
discussion time where we will come together to watch the video and share. Please sign up by February 21 so we can have adequate time to order materials.
Information on how to sign up can be found at the Information Desk. Morning and/or Evening opportunities offered.
Contact Jodie Rubenzer with any questions.
Emmaus 90
Click on the image below to see more information about the Emmaus 90 program. If you have any questions, contact Jodie Rubenzer in the parish office.

Walk With One
How does Jesus invite people to follow him? One by One!!
How can we do this? First it begins with me and my own relationship with Jesus through prayer, listening and awareness to who Jesus places in my path.
I’d invite you during this season of Advent to take a few minutes to read and to watch understanding Walk with One, by Julianne Stanz.
Click here for the Walk With one website
Click here to watch the Walk With One Video
Please contact Jodie Rubenzer in the parish office if you have any questions.
O.C.I.A. (or formerly, R.c.i.a) is the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults.
RCIA or OCIA? Rite or Order?
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) as it is currently known is the way in which adults become full, active, and participating members of the Catholic Church. It’s not just a six- or nine-month program of learning about the church, but it is a way for those seeking to enter more fully into the heart of God, relationship with Jesus, and the life and faith of a spirit – led community. Many people seeking to join the Catholic Church have already been baptized in another Christian Church. You will not be re - baptized.
OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults) is the new name and is meant to invite candidates and catechumens into continuous process of spiritual formation. As we move to “order” we strive to prepare the candidate and catechumen for an ongoing faith journey that will continue throughout their lives.
Most people seeking to enter the Church culminate their journey at the Easter Vigil, however those seeking could be baptized or welcomed into the Church at any point in the year.
Spiritual Direction
The primary focus of spiritual direction is unpacking your relationship with God through our own stories.
In Spiritual Direction, the director helps you to reflect on the significance of life events through attentive listening, by finding connections with other things that have been shared, and invites you to look for God in the midst of these circumstances.
Spiritual Direction is an individual opportunity to meet with a trained Spiritual Director and, through conversation and listening, awaken to the movement and presence of God in your life.
Spiritual Direction is NOT counseling. It is an opportunity for you to unpack your story and in the midst of the unpacking, discover your own answers.
What should I expect during a Spiritual Direction Session?
A time is intentionally set and the meeting would take place in a confidential setting, usually lasting about one hour.
A prayer or reflection is most times offered by the Director to begin the meeting.
Conversation and compassionate listening take place.
A spiritual director’s purpose is only to guide the conversation, much like a mid-wife guides a woman through childbirth.
Is there a Cost?
To be determined with each situation.
If you’d like more information, please call or email:
Jodie Rubenzer, Spiritual Director
715.425.1879 ext. 110
Women's Ministry

Undivided Love, by Gina Bauer
Recently, Gina Bauer led a women’s retreat here at St. Bridget titled, “Come as you Are, Embraced by Love”. This retreat focused on women’s dignity and vocation within the Church and was based on her book Undivided Love. This book looks into the Apostolic letter written by St. John Paul II’s, On the Dignity and Vocation of Women (Mulieris Dignitatem)
Click here to read Mulieris Dignitatem
Watch for an opportunity early next year to gather in a small group to pray, discuss and understand this document better as we use Gina’s book.