School Community
Welcome to the St. Bridget School Community!
Home & School Association
The Home and School Association is our Parent-Teacher organization.
The purpose of St. Bridget’s Home and School Association is to:
-Promote open communication among parents, teachers, staff, and administration
-Provide parents and teachers with information to aid in education, growth, and development
-Promote goodwill and cooperation between and among parents, faculty, administration, the Education Committee, and the parish
-Direct and coordinate parental support to St. Bridget Parish School through assistance in activities, social functions, and fundraisers
We impact the school through:
-Communications between the school and parents
-Fundraising for fun and educational activities
-Appreciation and encouragement for faculty and administration
-Encourage parent participation in the school
Parent Involvement
Catholic School Executive Board
The School Executive Board is responsible for supporting the Catholic identity, enrollment, marketing, human resources, capital improvements and fiscal management of the Catholic school.
Click here for more information
Home & School association
The goal of St. Bridget Home & School Association is to strengthen the relationship and promote a sense of community between home and school. It is responsible for maintaining open communication, and providing opportunities for parents to volunteer at school functions. It provides education on current parenting topics and sponsors social activities to support development of friendships between families. As a parent of a student at St. Bridget Parish School, you are a member of the Home and School Association. This committee reports to the Parish School Committee.
There are many ways you can volunteer for our school.
Teachers may request help in the classroom, or even ask you to visit and teach students if you have expertise in a particular area. Volunteers are needed throughout the year for various events such as fundraisers, Grandparent’s Day, Catholic Schools Week, Mardi Gras, and the end of the year picnic.