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St. Bridget Catholic Community is now accepting applications for the following positions:

Liturgical Ministry Coordinator

St. Bridget Catholic Community is seeking to hire a Liturgical Ministry Coordinator. This position is a parish ministerial leadership position focused on assisting the pastor and the parish in the planning, implementing, coordinating, and evaluating all liturgical and music needs of parish life.  Acts, at all times, as a servant leader for the parish, supporting, working and communicating effectively with all staff members and volunteers – particularly those in the liturgical music ministry areas. This person implements the policies and directives of the Parish Pastor, Bishop, and the USCCB Committee on Divine Worship. In general, this person serves as a liturgical resource to the Pastor and the advisory consultation of the Parish Liturgy Committee. 

For a full job description, please click here. 

Please submit resume along with a cover letter to the Parish Administrator at St. Bridget Catholic Church. If you have any questions, contact Barrett Grove at 715-425-1879 ext. 102 or email at

Part-Time accompanist position

St. Bridget Catholic Community is looking for a part-time accompanist to play for our weekend Masses on a rotating basis with our current accompanist. Contact the office for more information.

Click here for a full job description!

Click here to view St. Bridget School openings


Weekday Mass/Con