Planned Giving
Planned Giving
After considering the needs of your family, you may wish to leave all, or a portion, of your estate to St. Bridget Church. By contributing to our parish, we have an opportunity to serve people in ways we could never accomplish without your financial support. Even small gifts are appreciated – just look what our Lord did with the loaves and fishes!
Planned giving can include gifts of cash or securities from regular income, life insurance, retirement accounts (IRA, 401 k, 403 b), real estate, personal property (art, collectibles, equipment), or business assets (closely-held stock, partnership interest).
By making a charitable gift, you have the opportunity to say “thank you” to your faith community; the satisfaction of knowing that work you valued in this life will be carried on after your death; and you may possibly reduce taxes for your heirs since most charitable gifts are deducted from the estate before taxes.
Families and friends are encouraged to preserve their loved one’s memory at St. Bridget Church through appropriate memorial gifts dedicated to the glory of God and the work of our parish. The Pastor and parish administrator are available for suggestions and assistance in this matter.
An excellent way for you to support our parish and leave a lasting legacy is to name us in your will or living trust. Please contact the Parish Administrator to set this up.