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Extreme Faith Camp Registration!

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  Extreme Faith Camp form



Registration Information

The fee for FF is $100 for the first child, and $150 for two or more children.
However, if this fee creates a hardship for your family, please don't hesitate to call Jessie: 715-425-1870. All information is kept confidential.

This is a “flat fee” and covers whatever options you feel will help you share your faith with your children. (There is not an additional fee for sacrament preparation, or for doing both the At-Home program and the classes, etc.)

You can register online HERE or print a paper registration form HERE. 

We will begin Wednesday classes for this 2024-25 Faith Formation year on September 25. 

Faith Formation Overview for Grades 7-12


Schedule for 7th-11th Grade EVENING Classes  HERE
Schedule for 7th-8th Grade AFTERNOON Classes HERE

Grades 7-8: “Be Doers of the Word”

In the book of James we are told to “be doers of the word and not hearers only.” In 7th and 8th Grade Faith Formation, the youth are invited to be doers of the Word through relationship building, prayer experiences, Bible Study, and lots of activity!

Afternoon 7th - 8th Gr. Faith Formation, 3:15-4:30pm:
Meet at St. Bridget Church each Wednesday. Space may be limited according to the number of leaders available. Typically, the 7th & 8th graders who participate in the afternoon session walk to the church from the middle school, and we begin with snacks.

Evening 7th - 8th Gr. Faith Formation, 6:45-8:00pm

*It is best to attend one session consistently, as the two sessions will have different leaders and lessons. However, if a change of session is necessary, please contact Tessa ahead of time.

Grade 9: “Come and See” Discipleship Groups

Jesus’ first invitation to his disciples in the Gospel of John is, “come and see.” That is our invitation to all 9th graders! Come and see what it is like to be part of a Discipleship Group, meeting weekly on Wednesdays from 6:45-8:00 p.m., to grow in faith through discussion, relationship building, prayer, and striving together to apply faith to new areas of your life. D-Groups will be formed with your input! We want you to journey in faith with the people that you are already doing life with.

Grade 10: “Follow Me” Discipleship Groups
with Confirmation Prep Option

After growing in relationship with the disciples, Jesus invited them to “follow me,” in the Gospel of Matthew. He is inviting our 10th graders to do the same! All 10th graders are invited to follow Jesus by continuing this year in their Discipleship Groups established last fall. Some groups will welcome new members, and some will remain the same. 10th grade D-Groups are invited to go deeper this year by meeting off the church campus at times, and/or joining with other 10th grade D-Groups for activities.

Confirmation Prep Option:
Those in grades 10-12 who would like to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation are invited to begin preparing in December of each year. Confirmation preparation will require regular participation in a Discipleship Group, two parent/candidate meetings, choosing a sponsor, two sponsor/candidate sessions, completing 25 hours of service, going on a retreat, and attending four classes specific to the Sacrament of Confirmation. The four classes will be offered three different times for the candidate to choose which session works best: Spring, Summer, and Fall. Please contact Jessie in the church office with any questions or interest in beginning Confirmation preparation.

Grade 11: “Remain in Me” discipleship Groups

This year our 11th graders are invited to remain in Jesus in the same way Jesus asked his disciples to “remain in me” in the Gospel of John. Our 11th grade Discipleship Groups will continue to grow together through deeper study, discussion, and fun! The year will include faith excursions to: the Newman Center, a Funeral Home, and, if possible, a Carmelite Monastery, to experience a few unique ways that faith is lived out in our community.

Grade 12: “Go and Make Disciples”

Seniors in high school are invited to answer the call of Jesus in Matthew 28, to go and make disciples by:

-Co-leading one of our younger Faith Formation classes or D-Groups
-Helping at the January Confirmation Retreat
-Participating in a Senior Discipleship Group with a focus on mission

Please let Jessie O'Malley know which you are interested in by completing this Grade 12 Google Form.