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Our website provides information about many of the ministries, outreach programs, and social connections that form the core of St. Bridget Catholic Church. We invite you to prayerfully consider joining us as we come together to live, give, grow and serve our faith community.
Below you can find information about our Parish Activities, Hospitality, & Parish Organizations. On the right you will find information & schedules about Liturgical Ministries & Music Ministries.
We are looking forward to connecting you with a ministry that matches your special gifts and talents with a need of our parish!

Parish Activities:

To get involved in any of these parish activities , email the parish office. 

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Parishioners commit to spend one hour in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. A weekly opportunity on Tuesdays from 7:45am to 7pm (Do not need to participate every week.)

Afternoon Euchre
Women of the parish meet on the first Thursday of the month to play euchre and share in conversation and snacks.

Prayer Shawl Ministry
Through the handiwork and care of those who knit and crochet, we have many prayer shawls that have been blessed, and are ready to be shared. If you know of someone who is struggling and could be “wrapped in prayer”, please stop by the office to pick one up.

Martha's Quilting Group
Parishioners gather together on the first Tuesday of the month to create quilts that are donated to worthy causes.

Prayer Line
Prayer warriors pray for the concerns and needs of our parish.

Sunshine Card Ministry:

Volunteers in this ministry will share God’s love by sending cards of encouragement to those in need of a ‘ray of sunshine’ who are ill, hospitalized, in a nursing care facility, or homebound. Contact the office for more information!


To get involved in any of these Parish activities, email the parish office.

Donut Ministry
Parishioners who are early risers gather to make donuts at the church on Sunday mornings during the school year. Teams of parishioners also help to sell and serve donuts to other parishioners on Sunday mornings after Mass. Teams are on a rotating basis for both selling and making donuts. Click here for a donut schedule.

Information Desk & Parish Resource Center
Answer questions, provide information and direction and assist with event registrations.

Ministry Fair
Participate on the committee to help, plan, guide and lead our annual Ministry Fair.

New Parishioner Ministry
Welcome new members to our parish, help them get acclimated to our church, and act as a resource when questions arise.

Funeral Food Donation
Make a donation of food (cake or salad) to be served at funeral luncheons.

Funeral Luncheon Committee
Provide hospitality to families after funeral Masses. Parishioners are needed to make calls for food donations, prepare food, set up, serve or clean up after luncheons.

Special Event Setup
Help set up tables and chairs for various events as needed.

Provide child care during special parish events such as parish missions and retreats.

Parish Organizations

To get involved in any of these parish organizations, email the parish office.

Parish Council
The Parish Council serves as a vehicle for the parish to fulfill the pastoral mission of Jesus and the Church.  It works to foster the building of the community of disciples who recognize their baptismal calls.  It engages in a continuous process of pastoral planning, taking into account the needs and priorities of its parishioners, the Diocese, the broader community and  the world. This is an elected position.  Candidates for election must be an active member of the parish and at least 18 years of age. 
Meetings are held monthly (September through June). Click here to view the Parish Council Members. 

Finance Council
Provides advice and guidance in the administration of parish assets, recommendations of the annual parish budget, monitoring the financial reports and condition of the  parish, formulation and communication of the annual financial report to the parish, and all other temporal matters of the parish.
Meetings are held monthly (September through June).

Liturgy Committee
Helps establish ideas to meet the spiritual needs of our parish and to make our liturgies truly life-giving celebrations.

Social Justice Committee
Serves the parish by acting as a catalyst for promoting education, advocacy, and service based on the values of Catholic social teaching. Help review applications and make tithing recommendations to the Parish council.

Spirituality /Stewardship Committee
This committee assists in providing opportunities for adults in the parish to increase their religious education, spiritual growth and understanding of our call to stewardship.

Facilities Committee
Members offer guidance on campus wide projects and oversee the maintenance and the care of church property, buildings, and all furnishings.

Youth Discipleship Committee
The Youth Discipleship Committee oversees parish religious education for all ages, sacramental preparation, and youth ministry opportunities to ensure that they meet parishioner and community needs.

Council of Catholic Women 
Every woman who is a member of St. Bridget Church is also a member of the Council of Catholic Women. Council of Catholic Women helps with a variety of activities at our Church including, but not limited to, a yearly women’s retreat, the annual Ladies Night Out Event, and an annual raffle. 

Knights of Columbus 
A part of a global organization of practicing Catholic men.  The Knights of Columbus have many service activities throughout the year including fundraising projects and helping to serve our St. Bridget Youth and River Falls Community. Click here to view the Knights of Columbus Facebook page.

Scrip Team 
Scrip is Fundraising While you Shop.  Parishioners raise money for our church and school by purchasing gift cards used for everyday shopping.  Members of the Scrip team help to sell Scrip cards after masses on the weekend or process Scrip orders during the week.  Training provided.

DivorceCare is a group that helps individuals recover from the pain of separation and divorce.
Each week includes a video seminar, group discussion and then use of a personal workbook.
DivorceCare is open to everyone. The group meets for 13 weeks on Monday evenings. New groups typically begin each March and September. New members are welcome to join the group at any time.
A $15 registration fee is requested. If you are unable to pay, it can be waived. Childcare may be available. Call to inquire. To register, call the church office or email Barb and Jerry Liddel.

"I know that I am not alone."

"Within minutes I felt accepted and safe."

"Gave me hope and tools to move on"