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What is Spiritual Direction?

The primary focus of spiritual direction is unpacking your relationship with God through our own stories. 
In Spiritual Direction, the director helps you to reflect on the significance of life events through attentive listening, by finding connections with other things that have been shared, and invites you to look for God in the midst of these circumstances. 
Spiritual Direction is an individual opportunity to meet with a trained Spiritual Director and, through conversation and listening, awaken to the movement and presence of God in your life.
Spiritual Direction is NOT counseling.  It is an opportunity for you to unpack your story and in the midst of the unpacking, discover your own answers.
What should I expect during a Spiritual Direction Session?
A time is intentionally set and the meeting would take place in a confidential setting, usually lasting about one hour.
A prayer or reflection is most times offered by the Director to begin the meeting.
Conversation and compassionate listening take place.
A spiritual director’s purpose is only to guide the conversation, much like a mid-wife guides a woman through childbirth.
Is there a Cost?
To be determined with each situation.

If you’d like more information, please call or email:
Jodie Rubenzer, Spiritual Director
715.425.1879 ext. 110